Is the electronic cigarette a medical product?

The electronic cigarette differs from the classic version especially by its components. It does not contain any of the carcinogenic substances of the tobacco rod. It also remains special because of the way it works. It does not burn or…

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Closed public places, open public places: where can I spray?

What differentiates vaporization from cigarettes is its content without the tobacco. However, the regulation still stipulates that smoking is prohibited anywhere. The legislation concerning vaping By law, vapers are required by law not to smoke in certain public places. Vaping…

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7 tips to help you quit smoking and start vaporizing

Do you have a friend or family member who wants to quit smoking and quit but doesn’t know where to start? Or maybe you’re a passionate smoker and have decided you want to try it yourself? No matter whether you…

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All about the electronic cigarette and your health

Electronic cigarettes generally contain nicotine and may also contain other harmful substances. There is a lot of conflicting information about them. We still have a lot to learn, but here’s what we do know. Electronic cigarettes are known by many…

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All you need to know about the cardiovascular risks associated with the electronic cigarette

It’s not worth the risk. This is the conclusion reached by a research team in a new analysis of e-cigarettes. They say that if you didn’t smoke before, you shouldn’t start smoking in the first place.  Cardiovascular problems caused by…

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E-cigarettes: a solution to nicotine addiction?

It should be mentioned at the outset that an e-cigarette is generally not intended to be a proven and autonomous means of complete nicotine withdrawal. Although many former smokers try this method and often succeed, it is closely linked to…

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5 reasons to switch to electronic cigarettes

In general, it should be mentioned that electric cigarettes are by no means harmless. No doubt, especially if the liquid contains nicotine. Even if an e-cigarette can considerably reduce the health risk, which scientists calculate to be 1-2% more dangerous…

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Electronic cigarette: what are its disadvantages?

E-cigarettes are not smoking cessation devices and their use has been increasingly controversial since their appearance on the market. Manufacturers present them as smoking cessation aids because they deliver nicotine with the same sensory experience as regular cigarettes, but (supposedly)…

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Vaper’s tongue: what is it and how to alleviate the symptoms?

The greatest symptoms of vaper’s tongue are the loss of taste and smell. The olfactory sense and your taste buds work together for a complete perception of flavor. The taste buds distinguish the five tastes: sweet, bitter, sour, salty and…

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