The 6 best applications for vape lovers

Did you know that there are several applications you can download that are designed to enhance your vaporing experience? If you are new to vaping and would like to access different resources or meet other people who enjoy vaping in your area, a vape app may be able to help you! There are a wide variety of applications to choose from that can help you store for a new vaporizing device, calculate ohms to provide you with more information so you can learn more about your favorite hobby. Since we love everything about vaporizing, we wanted to highlight five of the best vaporizing applications available today:

Vape Application #1: Ohm's Law

Are you considering sub-ohm vaporizing for the first time but you are afraid because you are not familiar with Ohm's law? Don't worry, all you have to do is download Ohm's Law to your smartphone. The free app, which is available on Android and iOS devices, can easily show you how to follow Ohm's law next time you want to try subohm vaporizing. The simple and sleek design of the app is easy to use and can really help you maximize your vaporing experience. In case you don't know it, your vaporizing device is a large circuit and depending on the type you have, the current, voltage and resistance can be adjusted. This means that you can customize your jumping session to your specific needs. All you have to do is enter at least two variables into the application and it will immediately calculate the correct power, voltage, current and resistance output.

Vape Application #2: Velvet Cloud

Dare we say more?

Vape Application #3: Vape Boss

Next is Vape Boss. If you're looking for a complete application with multiple features for vape enthusiasts, Vape Boss is the application for you! The free mobile application was created in 2014 and allows you to get the latest news and tips on vaporing with a simple gesture of the finger. This app is great if you want to get to know other people nearby and around the world who also like to hop around because of its built-in social networking features. You can also find the hottest vault products on the market with its mobile shopping integration. Vape Boss also keeps track of local meetings and Vape Boss retail stores. So if you want to find out if there are any upcoming events for vaporers in your area or read product reviews before buying an item, you should check out the app. Ultimately, Vape Boss is a one-stop shop for people who want to connect with other vaporizers, browse the latest products and learn more about the vaporizing industry.

Vape Application #4: Vape and Coil

Are you looking for new ideas every time you configure your vault device? The Vape and Coil application can give you the unique opportunity to see how other people around the world build their own electronic coils, rovings and juices. A large and passionate community of Vapors has already downloaded the application so you can browse their profiles, comment and view their photos to inspire you the next time you create your own device. If you see a build you like, just save it and you can see photos of how they did it step by step. The Vape and Coil application has a calculator where you can save the number of coils you have and their diameter so the application can calculate the minimum and maximum power it can hold and other information. They have a section in their application that allows you to create and print labels if you make your own electronic juice.

Vape Application #5: Vaffle

Since content on vaping can be flagged as inappropriate or banned from other social media platforms, the founders of Vaffle wanted to create a safe online community for vaping enthusiasts. The free application already has a thriving international vaping community, making it the ideal application for those who want to connect with people who have similar interests. Vaffle has a beautiful and elegant design that allows you to share engaging photos and videos on your personal profile. You can follow other people and talk to vapers from all over the world. All you have to do is create a profile with a photo and add details about yourself and where you live. There is a section in the application where you can browse the video content of other vapers. If you want to register and share content, you can either upload short videos directly into the application or connect them to your YouTube account. There is also a separate section with vaporing tools such as a journal and a calculator.

Vape application #6: QuitNow!

Everyone knows that quitting smoking can be difficult, especially if you do it alone. There are several applications on the market for people trying to kick the habit, but QuitNow! is considered one of the best because of its comprehensive features. Once you have downloaded QuitNow! you can communicate with other people who are also trying to quit smoking. Additional features allow you to learn more about the health benefits you can enjoy now that you've quit smoking, keeping you motivated. Quit Now! can track the number of days since your last cigarette and the average number of cigarettes you've quit. You can also enter the amount you would usually pay for a pack of cigarettes and see how much money you have saved over the long term by quitting. The QuitNow! app is available for free download on iOS and Android smartphones.
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