CBD: advantages and contraindications

A different consciousness about cannabis use is currently gaining ground around the world. Through a flourishing legal market, the uses of cannabis stem, seeds and leaves are becoming more and more widespread. Indeed, the active ingredients that this substance contains have several virtues. What are they? What are the advantages of CBD and its characteristics? How to consume it? This is what it is all about.

What is CBD?

The cannabis plant has long been unjustly demonized, even to the point of being banned by laws that for decades, and in some cases even today, have prohibited its cultivation and free sale. Cannabidiol (or CBD) is one of the active ingredients in cannabis and is known for its many therapeutic virtues. More specifically, CBD is a metabolite of cannabis. It is a substance that becomes highly assimilable by the body after undergoing an initial transformation process. It is, in practice, a cannabinoid without psychoactive effects. This means that it has no effect on brain capacity and therefore, unlike THC which is the other relevant active ingredient in cannabis, its use does not "get you high". One of the chemical characteristics of cannabidiol is that it is not very soluble in water. This makes it difficult to dissolve. With fat, however, its solubility becomes high. In green plant form, CBD is a slightly acidic molecule. In order to have a more active cannabidiol, therefore of better quality, the molecule must be neutral. To achieve this, it is important that the plant undergoes the drying process.

The therapeutic properties of CBD

The studies that modern science conducts on cannabis clearly demonstrate the strong therapeutic properties of this plant. Cannabis helps in the fight against cancer. CBD but also Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol is used during treatment. A regular intake of cannabidiol is recommended to solve or relieve countless symptoms or pathologies. It is an antioxidant that acts as an excellent anti-inflammatory and is also able to fight acne by regulating the sebaceous glands and solving skin problems. Moreover, the consumption of CBD is able to calm practically all types of pain (from menstruation to headaches, from rheumatism to inflammation and more). In general, cannabidiol gives a general feeling of well-being. Second, among the benefits most appreciated by consumers, cannabidiol has the ability to counter insomnia, providing a feeling of relaxation and true rest. It combats stress by curing the symptoms resulting from this condition and anxiety in an extremely effective way. It is a useful ally in keeping even serious medical problems such as: diabetes, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases such as: dystonia under control. It can also relieve other muscular problems such as rheumatoid arthritis or chronic pain. CBD also relieves post-traumatic stress disorders, schizophrenia, epilepsy, panic attacks, certain neurological disorders, depression, obsessive compulsive disorders and much more. All in all, it is a truly valuable substance for human health.

Recommendations and use of the CBD

On some of these conditions, the efficacy of CBD has been shown to be much higher than that of any other commercially available drug. In fact, for many people, the results of relief or help are immediate. Today, the CDB appears to have enormous medical potential and the scientific interest in its use is growing. It is not addictive and has no relevant contraindications. In general, it has been proven that continuous use at high doses (up to 1500 mg per day) is well tolerated by humans. However, attention should be paid to certain special cases. It is true that CBD combats insomnia and generates general relaxation. Therefore, it is not recommended to drive after taking it, especially in the evening or when you are tired. In addition, it is good to avoid iteration with other medications that can cause drowsiness. Each mixture always requires medical advice. With this active ingredient, this becomes imperative. Cannabidiol neutralizes the activity of certain enzymes that allow the liver to get rid of certain drugs. CBD lowers blood pressure. Therefore, its use is not recommended for people with very low blood pressure. On the other hand, it is recommended for people with high blood pressure. For patients with Parkinson's disease, it is a good idea not to take CBD in high doses, as this may increase tremor. If you have hydration problems, it is good to know that one effect of CBD is dry mouth. Although this is not a real side effect, some people who are sensitive to hydration problems may feel discomfort due to this condition.

How do I take CBD?

Commercially available CBD is generally available in different formulations: CBD oil, crystals and cannabis inflorescences. In the latter case, CBD is present in varying amounts and is absorbed more or less intensely by the body, depending on whether it is medicinal or light cannabis. Other formulations also contain CBD in varying concentrations, depending on the effect you wish to achieve. If you want an immediate effect, i just choose a higher concentration. If a constant effect over time is desired, it is recommended to choose a lower concentration. Cannabidiol should therefore be taken several times a day.

CBD oil

CBD oil is extracted from the plant by various processes. To obtain a natural oil, this involves using another oil as a carrier. This is usually olive oil, but any seed oil may be suitable. Another method is to use CO². This second method, however, requires the use of very expensive machinery. It guarantees a pure product. This type of oil can be consumed by putting drops in the mouth and letting them act for a few seconds before swallowing them. You can also use CBD directly as a condiment for food.

The crystals of CBD

Crystals are also an efficient way to consume CBD without combustion. It is an extraction that isolates cannabidiol practically in its pure state. In this case, the product can be consumed by ingestion. A practical way is to include it in recipes such as in cake dough or to make other pastries. It should always be dissolved in fats, such as butter or milk.

CBD in cannabis

The classic method to take CBD is to smoke cannabis flowers. However, as an alternative to burning, they can be brewed using a little milk. The active ingredients will act by drinking a simple herbal tea. However, the effects are more or less intense. It all depends on the type of cannabis used in the manufacture. It can be medicinal cannabis or light cannabis. CBD in medicinal cannabis Medicinal cannabis is currently cultivated only and exclusively in Italy. The consumption of this type of cannabis also requires a high dosage of THC. Therefore, its flower also has psychoactive effects. This type of inflorescence is usually consumed by people undergoing therapy and the purchase of such substances clearly requires a medical prescription. CBD in light cannabis The use of CBD in light cannabis has inferior effects to those of therapeutic cannabis, but does not require a medical prescription. Although cannabidiol is present in fairly high doses, the absorption of this substance, without THC, is less incisive. However, when light cannabis is used, the positive effects are quite noticeable. The product is mainly suitable for recreational use, but nevertheless has considerable benefits on relaxing the body and combating insomnia, anxiety and stress.
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